I have just completed Unity Tutorial 05.
I really enjoyed this particular lesson because I have now learned not only how runner games work but also how to design and develop one!
I found this lesson easy to follow and found it easy enough to navigate through unity, perhaps it is because I am gradually getting used to the program. Although the player animation was sort of confusing, the tutor explained it well and now I know how animation in games work.
I also liked this lesson as it gave me an insight on what I can include in my own game. Features such as obstacles and animation helped build my confidence when thinking of my own game to be created.
I am getting faster with the coding aspect of unity, I find it easy to follow the tutor when he is coding, I now also have better knowledge when it comes to the code and what each tag means and what it does to the actual game. I am not much of a coding person but I must say, it is not too bad when I know what I am doing. Looking forward to the next lesson!
Was really interesting learning the animation side of Unity!
Andy my good friend how you keeping bro? hope your keeping on top of your work bro it really do be a grind. I personally found this week’s unity tutorial hefty. It wasn’t hard following the tutorials steps it was more time consuming I found spacing the work out over a few days made the process easier., Anyway keep up the hard work bro it’ll be Christmas before we know it