Sunday, October 25, 2020

Game Vision Statement

Bird Flight is a 3rd person flappy bird related game, it is a game where the player faces multiple obstacles throughout the jungle as a flying bird. Similar to the infamous 'Flappy Bird' bird flight requires the player to pass through hoops distributed along the map.

When a player succeeds in passing through an obstacle it will be recorded in the score. Bird flight is based on high score, there would be no levels to this game it would be based on the high score of the person playing, this way one can compete with him/hers friends and even compete with themselves. I know how games like this operate considering I have played flappy bird and other games similar to flappy bird that provide the same concept.

Mechanics in this game would allow the player to move right or left whilst moving forward is an automatic action. The ability to move right or left will allow the player to successfully pass through the rings distributed across the game. A particular sound will play when the player successfully passes through a ring. The rings would be gold in color.

Another idea of mechanics for this game idea would be the ability of moving up and down in order to pass through the golden rings, this would require the camera to be fixed behind the player or in this case, the bird. 

Once the player taps the screen, the game begins by the bird moving forward automatically and the player would use the mouse to maneuver right or left in order to go through loops distributed within the game. If the player misses the loop and or doesn't manage to fit in time, the game ends and the score of the loops passed would be displayed afterwards, and then of course a new game would follow once the player uses the 'continue' option provided.  The setting of this game would be in the Jungle.  Just like my bird Ganji the colors of the bird would be that of the Jenday Conure parrot colors. There would be no different options for the type or color of bird used to play in this game. 

Key features in this game include;

- The setting of the jungle

-  The theme related music 

- The suitable coloration of the game 

- Easy controls


Genre of this game is arcade, since its based on high score, as well as limited controls.

 This is an example I came across while researching flying games created in unity, it is very similar to my idea.
Whilst researching I came across this video of someone who used Unity, Maya and a hint of Photoshop to recreate Flappy bird but in 3D. This gave me inspiration for what I can create the map to look like. If you watch the video you can see his choice of trees, what I found very interesting is their use of detail. He rusted the pillars and further enhanced the trees and mountains to make them look more realistic. This game is a prime example of what I want my game to turn out like, except for the pillars to pass through, there would be rings instead. And of course a different character. The Jenday Conure.
Platforms I aim to publish this game on is google, allow it to be accessible through browser so its in the reach of anyone. 

As I said, the color of the character i.e. Bird will be based on the colors of my parrot, Ganji the Jenday Conure. 

           As you can see the contrasting tropical colors of this animal are attractive and will aid in good visual content in the game. The coloration is not too complicated. 

As mentioned earlier the bird will automatically move forward once the player clicks or taps the screen. The only movement enabled for the player is left and right in order to maneuver in through the hoops. The speed of the forward movement is not too fast, probably around 35 speed in unity.

When the player dies or misses a hoop, a sound effect plays to sound that the game is over, a game over text displays on the screen with the score that the player achieved alongside it. 'Tap to continue' will then show allowing the player to move on and try again. When the player passes through 10 hoops, the hoops will then start to move to side to side making it more difficult as the game progresses.

Sound effects and music will be produced and provided by me to add to the game for good audio content that will set the mood for the player and make the game more fun to play.


Friday, October 23, 2020

My Thoughts On Unity Tutorial 3


I have just completed the following unity tutorials;

Lesson 2.1 Player Positioning (60 mins)

Lesson 2.2 Food Flight (70 mins)

Lesson 2.3 Random Animal Stampede (60 mins)

 I enjoyed doing these tutorials as I gained an insight on some features that I will be able to use when designing my game. I ran into a few errors with the code, none of which were significant, just small mistakes. I feel as I am getting more used to the coding side of things, my eyes are beginning to adjust to code, therefore when I look at code I am not that frazzled as I somewhat have an idea of whats going on.

I enjoyed learning how to control characters and I think the concept of that game was cool. It was also cool to learn how to add invisible barriers to set the safe area of a game, always wondered how that works when playing video games. I definitely need more practice using unity and coding which I am sure I will do a lot of later in the semester.

Overall, tutorials were clear, easy to follow and interesting to conduct, I am excited to learn more so I can get a better idea of how I can go about developing my own game.

       I was overwhelmed when I was first introduced to unity, but now I can understand a good few features of the app!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Games MDA


I have just completed reading and researching the games MDA Design and framework.

MDA stands for Mechanics, Dynamic and Aesthetics of a game.

These 3 principles define how each game functions and which actions in a game are implemented by the player. 

Mechanics describes the particular components of the game, at the level of data representation and algorithms.  

Dynamics describes the run-time behavior of the mechanics acting on player inputs and each others outputs over time.  

Aesthetics describes the desirable emotional responses evoked in the player, when she interacts with the game system. 

MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research 

This paper provides more insight into MDA design and framework.

This video explains MDA design framework in depth while showcasing good visual representation regarding the subject.

Another useful paper:  Design, Dynamics & Experience (DDE) for Game design

Sunday, October 18, 2020

My Thoughts On Feedback Strategies


I have just read a few articles that discuss how feedback can be better displayed by leaders towards their students in a more effective and functional way. 

Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback

This article discusses how leaders should always talk about what a student can do better in the future rather than what they did wrong. This gives a student confidence and motivation to stop dwelling on the past and rather focus on how they can improve. 

I completely agree with such strategy as I support the strategy of positive reinforcement. 




Be A Mirror

This Second Article also discusses how feedback should cover what someone has rather than what someone is missing.  focus on what the reader is doing (not on what is missing). A mirror cannot reflect back what is not there. 

 A very important and very difficult strategy of feedback is to take yourself out of the feedback. This means not saying, “I like how you…” or “I think…” because this sort of feedback makes it about pleasing us adults. Instead of starting with first person pronouns, I start with the reader’s name or simply say, “When you…” and keep the focus on the reader. After all, a mirror stays focused on what is in front of it.




Bird Flight Game Idea Research


After brainstorming potential game ideas I decided to pursue one particular idea which is the bird flight game.

This game would be similar to the infamous 'flappy bird' released in 2014. If you have played flappy bird you may know it is a 2D game. I would develop this game to be a 3D game. The game would be simple, it would start off with the bird floating mid air and there would be a 'tap to play' instruction. Once the player taps the screen, the game begins by the bird moving forward automatically and the player would use the mouse to maneuver right or left in order to go through loops distributed within the game. If the player misses the loop and or doesn't manage to fit in time, the game ends and the score of the loops passed would be displayed afterwards, and then of course a new game would follow once the player uses the 'continue' option provided.  The setting of this game would be in the sky.  Just like my bird Ganji the colors of the bird would be that of the Jenday Conure parrot colors. There would be no different options for the type or color of bird used to play in this game. 

 This is an example I came across while researching flying games created in unity, it is very similar to my idea.

There would be no levels to this game it would be based on the high score of the person playing, this way one can compete with him/hers friends and even compete with themselves. I know how games like this operate considering I have played flappy bird and other games similar to flappy bird that provide the same concept. I really like this idea and will do further research to find the best ways to develop a game like so.
One idea of mechanics in this game would allow the player to move right or left whilst moving forward is an automatic action. The ability to move right or left will allow the player to successfully pass through the rings distributed across the game. A particular sound will play when the player successfully passes through a ring. The rings would be gold in color.

Another idea of mechanics for this game idea would be the ability of moving up and down in order to pass through the golden rings, this would require the camera to be fixed behind the player or in this case, the bird. 

As the player progresses through the course, I was thinking at a certain stage into the game, to increase the difficulty I could somehow programme the rings to move side to side. This would only start happening when the player reaches a certain score. Lets say 10 for now. 

After watching the video above I got inspired to perhaps add columns on the sides in order for the player to stay in a specific area through out the game. 
I would like to apply some sort of barricading on each side, I am thinking trees perhaps, giving the game a jungle vibe, it would make sense since the in game a character is going to be a parrot. 

Whilst researching I came across this video of someone who used Unity, Maya and a hint of Photoshop to recreate Flappy bird but in 3D. This gave me inspiration for what I can create the map to look like. If you watch the video you can see his choice of trees, what I found very interesting is their use of detail. He rusted the pillars and further enhanced the trees and mountains to make them look more realistic. This game is a prime example of what I want my game to turn out like, except for the pillars to pass through, there would be rings instead. And of course a different character. 
                                                                     Rust on the pillar

                                            Notice his use of detail in the surrounding environment 

This developer also added a leader board feature I was thinking of also adding to my game. 

Every functioning game also requires good sound effects and music. When it comes to sound effects and music that will be no hassle for me to do, I will compose a simple track for this game and also record a few sound effects to add. Examples would be when the player is passing through the obstacle i.e. ring, a short ringing sound plays. Or when missing an obstacle a short buzzer sound plays.

I will definitely do more research about how I can enhance the surrounding environment in the game as I feel the setting plays a big role in games, giving the game its particular vibe. In my case its looking like its going to be a jungle setting, considering that is a parrots natural habitat. Like I mentioned earlier the rings will be gold in color , and now that I have established a setting I will probably add some plants growing down from the rings, maybe vines? 

I am excited to pursue this game idea, I feel like I have a good sense of where I want to go with this, and with the research I did I have assured my self that this is very possible.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

My Thoughts On Unity Tutorial 02


After conducting the unity tutorials I feel somewhat confident in my game coding skills. I struggled with the airplane tutorial as it was more of a do it yourself tutorial based on the knowledge acquired from the first tutorial. However I feel proud to say I have completed coding my first game, the car and obstacle tutorial was easy to follow, I enjoyed the process and learning how to code in controls. Even though I figured out some steps when fixing the airplane tutorial, I still struggled and had to seek help from my class mates and Youtube. 

At times I ran into problems when it came to the code, I made small mistakes and was hard for me to find them. It was stressful as it was hard to find small mistakes among a lot of code. 

Overall I enjoyed doing the tutorials and learning the inner works of gaming but I do not think I would ever pursue game design as a career. I am not much of a code person. But I never know, the game could change and I could end up doing something game design related.


                                        Was very interesting learning how to code controls!







Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Game Elements


I have just completed reading some articles and watching some videos regarding game elements. 

In order to design or develop a game one must look into what goes into a game and elements that allow a game to function

Elements such as

- Players

- Objectives (goals) 

- Rules

- Resources and Resource Management

- Game State 

- Information 

- Sequencing  

- Player Interaction 

- Theme (Narrative, Backstory, Setting) 

- Games as Systems


are crucial when designing a game as they aid into the 'user experience' which can determine if a game is enjoyable or not.

What are the qualities of game:

Creating a prototype does not only have to be digital, paper prototyping is a good way for beginners to start planning the layout of a game, that way it is easy to do, practical and guarantees better functionality when developing the actual game as the designer can get a good sense of certain aspects such as the physics of the game.

Paper Prototyping and Iterative Design — Part 1

This is a good article to read that helped me understand paper prototyping and how it can achieve better element interaction within a game. 

This video below also outlines how non digital prototyping can be more affecting when designing a game.

A designer must understand how to critically analyze a game, and when I say analyze I do not mean to find faults within the game, critical analysis is to simply judge the game from an unbiased perspective. To critically analyze one must simply state what there is in a game as well as how the different elements interact. 



Sunday, October 11, 2020

Feedback Thoughts


I have just read some articles regarding making mistakes and how mistakes help students learn and how a fixed mindset can prevent a student from learning if they keep avoiding mistakes. 

Thinking back to secondary school, I can think of many scenarios in which I have learned from. I remember I used to make the mistake of making my sentences too long when writing English essays. My teacher always noted that when correcting my work. That feedback helped me today when writing my blogs. 

Some feedback that has helped me grow as a worker is to always be grateful to the work hours given to me. This helped me to get through the day without thinking about the hours and simply conducting my work in an organized manner. Facing off is a big factor in my workplace, a piece of advice that stuck with me is from my old job at homestore and more when my supervisor told me to always start facing off from the edge of the bay working inwards. That way it would be easier for me to track where I faced off and where I did not. 

A fixed mindset could be holding you back

I read this article which talks about how avoiding mistakes could prevent one from learning, which I agree with, sometimes when I look back at mistakes I have made I tend to wish I never made them and get disappointed for a few moments, but then I remember how it shaped me into who I am today, and it helped me overlook the fact that it was simply a mistake, and everyone makes mistakes, and everyone tends to learn from their mistakes. 

Seven ways to crush self-doubt

This article appealed to me as it showcases ways one can avoid self doubt. Like I have said before, self doubt is the most powerful tool for self destruct. In order to avoid self-doubt, one must abide by a set of mental rules that help tackle self-doubt. 


                                        Having a fixed mindset could prevent you from learning.



Potential Games Brainstorm Ideas


I have been asked to brainstorm some potential game ideas to develop. 


Motorcycle Game

A game idea that popped up in my head straight away is a motor cycle course game. Inspired by the game "Bike Race Pro" developed by Top free games. The developers of this game decided to a take the 2D route. However,  I would like to  pursue this game idea in 3D. The game would be set in the jungle, where the player or the motor cyclist would have to complete a series of obstacle courses in order to get to the finish line and pass the level. I would like there to be 5 levels. 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult. The player would have 3 options of motor cyclists to choose from. 

1. The beast 

2. The pro

3. The gangster

Each of these motor cyclists would have a unique look and unique motor bikes.

The beast would be a were wolf type creature that is big, furry and angry, with bright red eyes he is eager to get through the obstacles. He would use a sports motorbike.

The pro would be a a professional motor cyclists whom is optimistic and ready to take on a challenge. He would be using a dirt bike. He simply does this for fun.

The gangster has a serious look to him, he does not tolerate non sense and is prepared to complete the course to get to his gang members on the other side of the jungle. He would be using a low rider motorcycle.

The obstacles would contain of jumps, loops, side way loops and sharp turns. 

This game would be almost like temple run where the player does not necessarily have to move forward. Once the game begins the player begins to speed forward straight away and its up to the player to navigate through the obstacles.

This video displays a motorcycle prototype created on unity.

After watching this video it motivated me to consider this game idea seeing that it can be done.

                                       Pro Biker race Game available on App store or Google play.


 Golf Game

Another game idea that I had been brainstorming is a simple golf game. This game would contain a golf course map that contains 6 holes. This idea actually came to me from playing golf, I found golf refreshing and not too complicated. It does need some practice to perfect but overall, I got a good hang of it. There is a golf game I used to play on the Ipad which would help me if I were to pursue this game idea. Although the Super Stickman Golf game is a 2D, I would develop my game to be 3D.
Super Stickman Golf

    This golf game would have 3 different avatars that the player can choose from. And when I mean avatars I mean colored stick men. Red, Green, or Blue. There would also be a variety of colors that the player can choose from for the ball. The golf map would contain of trees, sandpits, bushes, lakes and many other features that add a sense of reality to the game, making it like a real golf course. My goal for this game is to give the player a somewhat real experience of a game of golf in the golf course. But of course a virtual version, to prepare them for the real experience. After completing each hole, the number of shots it took for the player to pot the ball will be displayed at the end of each game with each hole number displayed alongside it. The game should not been to complicated, it is something fun and simple to play for anyone interested in a game of golf on their couch.  The player can use his/hers mouse to swing the club and power of the shot is determined by the maneuver of the mouse. 

This video provides insight for me regarding creating a golf game using unity, it looks clean, and not too complicated, motivating me to further look into this idea.

Bird Flight

 So as I was sitting brainstorming ideas for this potential game ideas, when my parrot Ganji whom is in the room inspired me to make a flying bird game. This game would be similar to the infamous 'flappy bird' released in 2014. If you have played flappy bird you may know it is a 2D game. I would develop this game to be a 3D game. The game would be simple, it would start off with the bird floating mid air and there would be a 'tap to play' instruction. Once the player taps the screen, the game begins by the bird moving forward automatically and the player would use the mouse to maneuver right or left in order to go through loops distributed within the game. If the player misses the loop and or doesn't manage to fit in time, the game ends and the score of the loops passed would be displayed afterwards, and then of course a new game would follow once the player uses the 'continue' option provided.  The setting of this game would be in the sky.  Just like my bird Ganji the colors of the bird would be that of the Jenday Conure parrot colors. There would be no different options for the type or color of bird used to play in this game. 

                                                     This is my Bird Ganji the Jenday Conure
This is an example I came across while researching flying games created in unity, it is very similar to my idea.
There would be no levels to this game it would be based on the high score of the person playing, this way one can compete with him/hers friends and even compete with themselves. I know how games like this operate considering I have played flappy bird and other games similar to flappy bird that provide the same concept. I really like this idea and will do further research to find the best ways to develop a game like so.

Space Shooter

While I was researching potential game ideas for unity I came across a few Tutorials showcasing creating a space shooter game. I my self do not have a lot of experience playing space shooter games but I am interested in the idea. I think this would be a good type of game to start with, especially considering the fact that I have not developed a digital game in the past. I think this would be good also because it is a popular game option to start with, meaning I can find all the help I need online. My game would consist of spaceship designed by me that has to overcome obstacles set in place. Because the game would be based in outer space, obstacles would be things such as meteors and rival spaceship flying towards the the player, and the player can destroy these obstacles using rockets provided within the spaceship. Just like Bird Flight this game would start off by the player automatically moving forward and subsequently facing these obstacles. There will be a health bar set in place within the game which determines the health of the ship. Rival spaceships will also be using rockets to destroy the players ship and meteors and asteroids and or any other space material will also do damage if it were to collide with the ship. If a player gains enough damage to destroy the ship. its game over. The game would have no different levels and would operate using high score. And of course the further one survives through the game, the more difficult it gets. Going back to the rival ship concept, I was also thinking of providing the player with a invincibility option that can be used when earned once the player has reached a certain goal or amount of point. This would only last for a minute or so, and maybe other abilities would be available but I would have to do further research to look into adding features like such.

This is a first person space shooter game that sort of demonstrates the idea I would like to pursue, Although this game is first person based, I would develop mine to be 3rd person.


Friday, October 9, 2020

My thoughts on Unity Tutorial 01


I am just after completing the unity tutorial 01. It was long, interesting and quite fun to do. Although the tutor takes his time explaining the steps in depth. After completing the tutorial I really feel like I have gained an insight on the process game developers must take in order to develop a functioning game. It is not easy, but I can see why one is willing to dedicate time an effort to perfect such a skill. I do not see my self pursuing this career wise, though I am glad I am trying it and gaining experience in it. I hope to create my own game in the future, a simple one. Just to say I have a game that I, my self have created.

The steps were easy to follow and instructions were clear. In my opinion the tutor gave too much information for me, as I already understand the basic concept of each step.. But it is good that he went in depth as I am sure there are people who need more clarity than I do. I am more of a get to the point type of learner.

I would recommend this tutorial for anyone who is interested in the concept of developing games even if they are not a CDM student. I feel as the tutorials provide enough information for one to learn by themselves.

                                                           Me after completing the tutorial


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Things to know when getting into Game Design


Have you ever deeped the idea of a game? what is a game? how does it work? why do humans love games? Here are your answers.

What is a game?

A game is a structured activity that usually contains an objective, whether it is digital and or conducted in real life, games always have an objective in which the player follows in order to pass the game or conclusively WIN the game. Many games these days are digital. When we are asked what a game is, the first thing that would come to our minds are usually games that we would play on our technological devices such as smart phones, consoles and etc. But there are also many other games that are not digital that people tend to play in their everyday lives, this includes card games such as poker or uno, sports or drinking games and so on....

What is a game anyway? Ian Schreiber

This is a document that helped me understand games further and the fundamentals to designing a game.

 How does it work?

Within objectives of the game, players must follow rules and regulations that are set, again whether it is a digital game or a game played in real life, games always have rules in which a player needs to follow in order to pass or win the game. Some games are not fun, and some games are, depending on the preference of the player of course. The psychology of games is a very important aspect to understand when creating and designing a game, humans love winning and games tend to provide that for humans, this encourages humans to pursue games, whether it is a shooter game or a basketball game, after experiencing the thrill of winning and or seeing someone else experience the thrill of winning, humans automatically will jump on the opportunity and try hard to achieve that feeling, and with multiple players in a game, competition is sparked.  

Pulling the Plug: In Defense of Non-Digital Teaching and Learning

Why do humans love games?

Games have been around for centuries, providing friendly competitions between communities and groups. People love winning, and when winning a game, people tend to feel accomplished. Games create bonds between humans, when multiple people are playing the same game, and have shifted their complete attention and focus to that game, the game becomes their only reality until the game is over. Games help break tension between humans, humans are sensitive beings and games provide comfort and relaxation, hence why we look forward to playing our favorite games. 

Dont be a videot!


Created in Oct 1958 by William Higinbotham 'Tennis for two is the first computer game to ever be created.                          


  Ref: Tennis for two




Sunday, October 4, 2020

Three Time strategies I Find Useful


"Just do it" is a good motto to go by. One needs to completely eliminate procrastination by going ahead and starting something without stressing about the process, which brings me to my next strategy.


Personally I prefer conducting work by dividing my workload evenly, this also assists time ones time management. For me, using this strategy has helped me cope with procrastination as well as overthinking the process.

3.  Time Itself

I like to treat time as a strategy, we are lucky and advanced enough to have access to digital time e.g. watches or smart phones. A feature that has helped me further manage my time is the timer feature, and or alarm feature. These has helped me to work at a pace that I am comfortable with. 

                                                                         JUST DO IT!


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Techology tools

 I am familiar with most technology tools that students use now a days, although there are ones that I am still learning about. I think these tools are very effective for conducting college work and make it easier for students to further interact with one another regarding similar work shared. I have used google docs for multiple projects as well as slack and also pinterest to find inspiration.

  Google docs is probably the most effective tool for group presentations as more than one person can work on the same projec.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thoughts on the assignments for this module

 I am always looking forward to doing assignments for this module as the instructions are laid out clearly. This helps me get a grasp of what I need to do and the best way to do it. I enjoy writing blogs as they are to look back on, I look forward to do extra credit modules, because come on its basically free credits. I am aiming for a GPA of 3.00+ this year and I am willing to put in the work. I am also looking forward to reading the blogs written by my class mates which I will use as mediums to further learn and develop. Overall, the work load is fair and the marking system is straight forward. 

                                                                 Feeling very motivated!


Growth Mindset Response

 I have not come across any of Carol Dwecks work regarding growth mindset up until now, although I had an idea regarding this subject from watching other motivational speakers, to my knowledge it is all to do with the mind, and if used correctly the mind is an extremely powerful tool. Throughout my years of learning I have found that to build motivation to do something, one must actually DO. Instead of overthinking tasks to be done for school, college, work etc... One must actually just start doing what they intend to do instead of procrastinating, in the process of doing, one will learn and feel productive, as a result of such great fulfilling feeling, one will want to continue to DO more. 


                                                                        JUST DO IT!

 When it comes to failure and those who may be afraid of failure, in my opinion fear of failure is the best motivational tool for the mind, and if someone is simply not interested in a certain aspect of learning, the mind can be tuned to which they can associate what they dread to learn with things they are actually interested in. E.g. If a science student is not interested in science, but is an animal lover, a way to help learn science is if that person learns about the real biological reason they might find animals cute, which is simply chemicals in the brain which we call emotions, this will help the person understand why they have love for animals and will want to continue learning about other things they are interested in but in a more scientific manner. 

So in conclusion, I find growth mindset a powerful tool for learning as it will eventually motivate those with no interest as well as those with interest.


Introduction to a future Music producer

 Hello to you reading this, My name is Abdulrahman Alsafi also known as Andy. I was born in the city of Baghdad, Iraq on the 18th of April 2001. However, Both sides of my family originate from Tikreet which is a county 2 hours from Baghdad towards the north of Iraq. In 2003, as a result of the American invasion, my family and I had to migrate, we moved to Sharjah, UAE, and 9 years later, in 2012, my mother and I immigrated to Dublin. Throughout my whole life, I always found interest in the performing arts, I enjoyed music, movies, TV shows, Talent shows, you name it..... I also took part in those art related activities, from school talent shows to creating my own music, I always loved the thrill of the stage. 

I like to consider myself an entertainer, I aspire to be a music artist/producer, I really find passion in entertaining those around me, whether it is singing a song or doing impressions, or anything that would change the mood of those sitting in the same room as me in the most positive way possible. I like to express my self , thoughts and emotions though my work. Recommended by a friend, CDM was really the course I was searching for when I was stuck trying to decide what I wanted to do in college. 

Semester one of college was a great semester, I met my current friends whom I have a lot of things in common with, met all types of people with different sets of creative brains ready to take over the digital world, this really inspired me to continue my journey through CDM and also made me look forward to whats to come in the next few years of the course. Studio photography was my favorite module in year one, I have always had an interest in photography and always wanted to learn about studio photography and the process a photographer follows in order to capture and produce some eye catching, unique content.

I am really looking forward to semester two on the other hand, the modules this year seem very exciting, especially Digital Video techniques and Digital Audio for me, considering I want to get into the film and music industry.

My hobbies include; making music, swimming, video games, cycling, exploring, trying new activities with my friends and much more, I consider my self an open minded person who is willing to try out new things. I also am the type of person to spark a conversation with everyone and anyone, this did not help my case in school as I was very chatty in class and never listened to my teachers. I just was not a school person.

Here is a few photos that showcase my life.


                                                                           Debs 2019  

A photo of 8 year old me on my balcony in UAE

A photo of my cousin and I on a night out

A photo of my close friend Abdi and I in the college photography studio


Reading 10

 Hi,  I have just completed the reading task for week 10, It is cool to see how far we have come in our journey of writing this book, everyo...