Sunday, October 25, 2020

Game Vision Statement

Bird Flight is a 3rd person flappy bird related game, it is a game where the player faces multiple obstacles throughout the jungle as a flying bird. Similar to the infamous 'Flappy Bird' bird flight requires the player to pass through hoops distributed along the map.

When a player succeeds in passing through an obstacle it will be recorded in the score. Bird flight is based on high score, there would be no levels to this game it would be based on the high score of the person playing, this way one can compete with him/hers friends and even compete with themselves. I know how games like this operate considering I have played flappy bird and other games similar to flappy bird that provide the same concept.

Mechanics in this game would allow the player to move right or left whilst moving forward is an automatic action. The ability to move right or left will allow the player to successfully pass through the rings distributed across the game. A particular sound will play when the player successfully passes through a ring. The rings would be gold in color.

Another idea of mechanics for this game idea would be the ability of moving up and down in order to pass through the golden rings, this would require the camera to be fixed behind the player or in this case, the bird. 

Once the player taps the screen, the game begins by the bird moving forward automatically and the player would use the mouse to maneuver right or left in order to go through loops distributed within the game. If the player misses the loop and or doesn't manage to fit in time, the game ends and the score of the loops passed would be displayed afterwards, and then of course a new game would follow once the player uses the 'continue' option provided.  The setting of this game would be in the Jungle.  Just like my bird Ganji the colors of the bird would be that of the Jenday Conure parrot colors. There would be no different options for the type or color of bird used to play in this game. 

Key features in this game include;

- The setting of the jungle

-  The theme related music 

- The suitable coloration of the game 

- Easy controls


Genre of this game is arcade, since its based on high score, as well as limited controls.

 This is an example I came across while researching flying games created in unity, it is very similar to my idea.
Whilst researching I came across this video of someone who used Unity, Maya and a hint of Photoshop to recreate Flappy bird but in 3D. This gave me inspiration for what I can create the map to look like. If you watch the video you can see his choice of trees, what I found very interesting is their use of detail. He rusted the pillars and further enhanced the trees and mountains to make them look more realistic. This game is a prime example of what I want my game to turn out like, except for the pillars to pass through, there would be rings instead. And of course a different character. The Jenday Conure.
Platforms I aim to publish this game on is google, allow it to be accessible through browser so its in the reach of anyone. 

As I said, the color of the character i.e. Bird will be based on the colors of my parrot, Ganji the Jenday Conure. 

           As you can see the contrasting tropical colors of this animal are attractive and will aid in good visual content in the game. The coloration is not too complicated. 

As mentioned earlier the bird will automatically move forward once the player clicks or taps the screen. The only movement enabled for the player is left and right in order to maneuver in through the hoops. The speed of the forward movement is not too fast, probably around 35 speed in unity.

When the player dies or misses a hoop, a sound effect plays to sound that the game is over, a game over text displays on the screen with the score that the player achieved alongside it. 'Tap to continue' will then show allowing the player to move on and try again. When the player passes through 10 hoops, the hoops will then start to move to side to side making it more difficult as the game progresses.

Sound effects and music will be produced and provided by me to add to the game for good audio content that will set the mood for the player and make the game more fun to play.



  1. Bruh that’s a dope ass parrot. Ganji out here looking Peng. But seriously though love the game idea. I think if designed well it could look sick. But tell me is the camera to the game going to be from the perspective of the bird or is it going to be on top of the bird so the player is controlling the bird? Good stuff bro.

    1. It will be behind the bird, like 3rd person gta

  2. This is a really good blog and seems as if you have put a lot of thought into this. I think the fact you are basing the game off Ganji is really cool and also that you are making your own soundtracks to go with the game. What did you mean when you said the game will be in third person? Because when you said third person and a flappy bird type game it left me a bit confused on the camera type. I also think it would be a cool feature to add food in some of the rings now and then and if you can collect that you get extra points. I think this game idea is really cool and its different to what I have seen so far, I would like to see the final project to see how it turned out. Best of luck with this!


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